Monday, May 27, 2013

Jack Hits One Month!

As Jack gets older, longer and rounder, so also the quality of Nolan's treats increases as we attempt to keep him potty trained. In seeking to appease LD (little dictator), Nolan has reaped some pretty good rewards in our attempt to get him consistently back in big boy underwear (including a Giants game!). I hope it doesn't come back to bite us later!  

So, in line with with our focus on Nolan, here are some new pics, mainly of him (& Jack sleep stretching)

Jack Update

We had a doctor appointment for Jack's dilated ureter (tube from left kidney to bladder) and we'll need to go back for the same initial procedure that Nolan did, but the doctor said he wasn't worried about it and said Jack should be fine. 

Here are a couple pics from the last couple weeks too, and one of drowsy big brother. Jack is definitely a happy, growing baby!