Saturday, December 4, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Nolan Shakes it Up
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Nolan's First Important Date
Here's Nolan as the White Rabbit, with a Mad Hatter thrown in for good measure. More pics to follow soon
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
A Link to more Nolan Pics
Here's a link to some more pics from our Pumpkin Patch Day. Enjoy.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
A Good Rest before a Big Game
Nolan slept through the night Monday night in preparation for Tuesday's win over the Phillies. He remarked that a philly is a female pony, for whatever that's worth.
Nolan and the Great Pumpkin Caper
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Nolan is Back!
Sorry for such a long delay in the update process!! Time flies when you have a kid. :)
So, I'll start with a quick update of Nolan's hapenings and the a description of the pics.
For starters, Nolan is still large. This week he clocked in at 15 1/2 pounds, 24 inches and a hat size of 41 cm. Not bad for a 9 week old! I thought about. Calling him 'Panda' after the Giants' 3rd baseman, but the real Panda is too fat to be a postseason starter. Instead, "Buster" is his new nickname.....I like catchers better anyways.
Otherwise, Nolan's been a bit fussy, eating a short meals and then screaming about it. But his night sleeping has been more or less consistent, so that helps.
The pics above are from us at my favorite mtn bike trail (hiking) in Pacifica, Nolan's first Giants game (1 w/our friends' 5 month old, Josie) and one in a G-ma Myra sweater.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Nolan Gets the Giants to 1st Place
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A Visit from Old Friends
Today was Nolan's lucky day as he got to meet Ally and Alisa! Ally is one of my oldest acquantences in SF, one of the first students I met 5 years ago. The 4 of us spent some crazy bonding times together (Uganda included) and it's always great to catch up and hear where life is taking them!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
A Lovely Visit
This ending weekend was spent with my parents, as they ventured up to spend my dad's birthday and their wedding anniversary with their first grandchild (unless Darren is hiding one somewhere).
We got to the beach and watch Gavin romp in the waves, eat lots of good food and enjoy some of the city's finest weather!
It's now 1/2 hour before Nolan's last feeding of the weekend and his various activities have caught up with him in the form of wailing and spastic movements......please God, let him sleep tonight! :-)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Laboring at the Beach
We spent a nice afternoon walking along the Fort Funston shoreline while Gavin frollicked among the waves. Nolan had previously made it to the inland sand dunes of the old fort, but this was his first trip to the edge of our continent. He didn't say one way or the other if he would take up surfing, so only time will tell.
New Pics Coming Soon
cameras and those cool reflective sunshade-type devices for lighting faces,
and we struck a pose of fifty, trying to exhibit all of Nolan's double and
triple chins. The initial results from Allison's viewfinder were quite
favorable, but we'll post the cleaned up versions midweek.
Other than that, Nolan's been busy cheering on the Giants with his "beat LA"
chant, occasionally joking that the opposing team only has to take the
field and the Dodgers will beat themselves.
-- Chris
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Nolan's Back!
Here are the recent details of Nolan's life. Rob and Jeff were able to come up last week and give Christine some lift as I was on campus for the start of another school year. It was great having them around and Nolan has now met all of his immediate-ish family! Through Christine, Nolan was able to eat some great SF food, thanks to Rob's generous take-out service. :)
As well, Nolan had his 1-month check up yesterday and he's officially fat: 11 pounds, 6 ounces, up over 2 pounds from 2 weeks ago! Unfortunately the doctor said he's very gassy and made have some food allergies we need to look into. Apparently babies can be sensitive to a mother's lactose intake, so Christine's going to restrict her diet for a week and see if Nolan's less cranky and distended.
As well, we've watched the "Happiest Baby on the Block" video, and expecting a miracle, we naively attempted Nolan's first bottle feeding AND Happiest Baby techniques before bedtime, resulting in a very long, tiring 'sleep cycle' for me! We'll keep trying and keep updating our experience.
The two pics are from Red's Java House (an old diner on the Bay, with Rob and Jeff) and Nolan's first trip to the office today, plopped on the couch w/ Leo (I didn't get much work done).
-chris, from the road
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Nolan Sees the Pacific
Saturday, though, was in fact a weekend day! Not working, it turns out, makes for wonderful times as a family. Gavin has been such a patient dog this whole time, so we decided to reward him with a trip to his favorite dog beach, Ft. Funston on the south coast of SF. We took Nolan along in his BOB and it did amazingly well pushing through sand-covered sections of the paved path.
-Chris, from the rocking chair
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Fairly Fair
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
A Pleasant Day!!
Let's see, the big adventure for the day entailed the first use of our BOB stroller/runner. To give Christine some nap/rest time I threw Nolan in the carseat, dropped it into our stroller, lasso-ed Gavin and hit the pavement for a nice 4 mile run down to UCSF's campus near the ball park. We've learned the only near-failsafe way to keep Nolan quiet is to keep him in motion: walking, driving, running, whatever......just keep him moving!
The two other pics are Nolan's first attempt at a mid-sleep nose pick, and my nightly routine of camping out with Nolan (usually asleep) in the living room so Christine can get some undisturbed sleep until his mid-nighttime feeding. Usually I'm blogging or reading with the last bit of a 2 Buck Chuck in a glass. Tonight I'm reading "The Search for God and Guiness," an amazing read for several reasons...I highly recommend it!
-chris, from the paper-lamp lit corner
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
All Quiet on the Nolan Front
However, all things settled down once I broke down and sold my soul to battery-powered child devices. Nolan has a fun loungy chair he really liked the first couple sitting, but then whined at furthur encounters. So, yesterday's desperation let me to pick up 4 C batteries (when was the last time something ran on C batteries?) and engage the vibration feature of the loungy chair. It was beautiful! Not only did it quiet Nolan down while he was awake, but it also lulled him to sleep!
So after a good night's sleep last night we headed to a doctors appointment for Christine and I took Nolan and Gavin to Crissy Filed and introduced our boy to the GG Bridge.
-chris, from the road
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Recent Fun
-chris, from the road
Thursday, August 12, 2010
A Full Day

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Finishing What Was Barely Begun
Anyways, the threshold mentioned in my past blog title was in reference to our previous afternoon's outing. We went out to meet some friends and their two little ones at a local playground, and as Christine crossed the threshold of the gate into the chaotic land of playing children she had a thought: I'm no longer entiring as an outsider, this is my future as I carry my child into this new stage of life. It was a fairly monumental step!

-chris, from the road
Monday, August 9, 2010
Legal Crack, a Threshold and a Blowout

Dinosaurs and Drinkin'

Saturday, August 7, 2010
The Boys with Their (chocolate) Cigars
Friday, August 6, 2010
Nolan Comes Clean, Again

Kernaghan Family Pics from the Hospital