As you may be able to tell from the picture updates, Nolan seems to be a heavy drinker. He appears to be developing a double chin and a milk belly! Our next doctor's appointment is Wednesday, but I don't need to a professional to tell me that he's putty on weight fast! Here's what he looks like after a binge.
Aside from meal times, Nolan is still enjoying BePa and MeMa (Rob and Brenda) while Christine and I wander in between naps, errands and eating. It's nice to have grandparents around to keep us company, give pointers, prepare meals and run loads of pee/pooh-soaked clothes (all Nolan's so far) among other chores. :-) Apparently childcare is tiring for grandparents too, and Nolan knows it. Earlier this afternoon Nolan pooped so loud it woke BePa up out of a peaceful nap!! Of course Nolan slept through his explosion.....that's my boy.
After a changing-pad-soaking diaper change today, we decided to turn Nolan into Nolasaraus, dressing him up in a great set of feeties from Jake and Jamie.

Yesterday the 5 of us took a trip to Mission Creek Park to get Christine out of the apartment. After 5 days of staying inside all day, Christine was getting stir crazy, so we decided to introduce Nolan to one of our favorite parks in SF. It's just west of McCovey Cove, on the same little inlet from the quiet and serene, when the Giants are out of town. Unfortunately it was quite windy, so we didn't end up with any pics of the little tike as a blanket blocked the g
usty weather from entering his stroller the entire trip. In fact, I don't think he was awake for any of the trip. So far he's done a grea
t job in his car seat/stroller, and by great I mean that he simply sleeps the whole time he's in it.

That's it for now! Again, if you'd like to visit the Nolan online picture albums, use this link:
-Chris, from the night shift
These are hilarious posts, what a lucky kid to grow up with fun parents. As I was reading about the pee soaked EVERYTHING it made me think of when Isaac was brand new and a nurse told me to point his penis down in his diaper, genius! It solved that problem for us maybe it will help you guys too!
ReplyDeleteSince I'm guessing you won't know who this is Hi I'm Melissa's cousin Mariah. :)