Anyways, the threshold mentioned in my past blog title was in reference to our previous afternoon's outing. We went out to meet some friends and their two little ones at a local playground, and as Christine crossed the threshold of the gate into the chaotic land of playing children she had a thought: I'm no longer entiring as an outsider, this is my future as I carry my child into this new stage of life. It was a fairly monumental step!
Moving on (I'm still a bit tired), here are a couple pics of Nolan from today, one of him staring down the bee in his loungy chair, impersonating Derek Zoolander's La Tigre (hasn't stopped anything yet to be considered Blue Steel). The second is him giving his middle figure to his mouth, by sucking on it. :)

It was a pretty rough night last night, but
I'm happy to say he's been quite the angel today!!!

Fun Nolan Fact for the Day: Whenever he sneezes (usually 3 or 4 in a row) he hits himself in the face with both hand.
-chris, from the road
-chris, from the road
I'm just impressed you are writing anything down. You will be so glad for this in the years to come. I had wondered about the "threshold" but thought maybe you were just tired and giving odd titles. How cool that Christine recognized that moment, so powerful.