After a long and tiring day at the hospital I can look back on the day and feel like we've accomplished something. First came the hearing test: A+. Next was an ultrasound to revisit an issue within his left kidney: looks like it's nothing too serious. Then......his first (and hopefully last) circumcision. As mentioned before, I'm glad it happens so early in life!
Intermitment within all activities today were phone calls and visits from the Social Security people, kindly reminding us the baby needed a name before being discharged. Aside from labor/birthing, this may have been the most difficult parenting experience for us so far. We wrestled the whole time we were in the hospital, spending a couple hours calling our baby one name and then trying out the other option. Finally a coin toss later and discussing all possibilities of nicknames for each option led us to Nolan Judah. The paperwork is in, but hey, Prince couldn't figure it out forever, so I guess we still have some time if he doesn't seem to be a Nolan.
Included are some pics from us leaving the hospital while Nolan sports some jeans knit by Christine's mom. Also, it turns out the Giants' trouncing of LA surrounding his birth convinced him to cheer for the orange and black....making me proud!
-chris, from my armchair
Love those pants. Amazing that they fit so perfectly!