So, there are endurance athletes who compete for 24 hours at a time, but our first day of parenting has had some runner's highs and a couple big bonks.
I (chris) had no concept of time last night as this new member of our family kept crying and eating and getting his diaper changed. Christine's energy was amazing! I didn't got through 16 hours of active labor, nor did i push with all my might for 2 hours, but she still managed to tend to the little one like a perfect new mother.
Once we got our footing mid-morning we found out that our boy farts like none other. (the nurse just walked in the room and mentioned the lingering smell) After eating he generally gets a little cranky and then, ka-pow!.....his diaper is filled and so is the air!
On another topic, my parents and brother flew up for the day to meet the newest Kernaghan. Both sides of Christine's family arrived before birth, but as is standard, my dad was about to leave the country just as a major event was to occur. Luckily he, my mom and Darren were able to swing up for 1/2 a day to partake in family photos, chocolate cigars (pictured above) and a shared meal.
It's now 11:00pm and we just dropped the little one off at the nursey (it's our last night to have nurses change his diaper). Tomorrow we'll lounge around for awhile and eventually make our way back home. I hope Gavin enjoys the stinkiness competition!
-chris, from the road
So funny about the stinkiness but no surprise! The love, adrenaline, and hormones, its just amazing! Way to go Christine! I am sure you were a wonderful coach Chris. Enjoy making it home today!