Thursday, September 16, 2010

Nolan Gets the Giants to 1st Place

Well, for the first time this season the Giants have sat alone on the top of the NL West and I think it's largely due to Nolan's clothing decision today!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Rivalry

Well, it appears Nolan knows his roots.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Visit from Old Friends

Today was Nolan's lucky day as he got to meet Ally and Alisa!  Ally is one of my oldest acquantences in SF, one of the first students I met 5 years ago.  The 4 of us spent some crazy bonding times together (Uganda included) and it's always great to catch up and hear where life is taking them!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Lovely Visit

This ending weekend was spent with my parents, as they ventured up to spend my dad's birthday and their wedding anniversary with their first grandchild (unless Darren is hiding one somewhere).

We got to the beach and watch Gavin romp in the waves, eat lots of good food and enjoy some of the city's finest weather!

It's now 1/2 hour before Nolan's last feeding of the weekend and his various activities have caught up with him in the form of wailing and spastic movements......please God, let him sleep tonight!  :-)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Pic from the Beach

Laboring at the Beach

We spent a nice afternoon walking along the Fort Funston shoreline while Gavin frollicked among the waves.  Nolan had previously made it to the inland sand dunes of the old fort, but this was his first trip to the edge of our continent.  He didn't say one way or the other if he would take up surfing, so only time will tell.


New Pics Coming Soon

Well, this afternoon we had some friends over and turned our apartment into
a photo shoot!  Allison and Shaun came over around 2:00pm with lights,
cameras and those cool reflective sunshade-type devices for lighting faces,
and we struck a pose of fifty, trying to exhibit all of Nolan's double and
triple chins.  The initial results from Allison's viewfinder were quite
favorable, but we'll post the cleaned up versions midweek.

Other than that, Nolan's been busy cheering on the Giants with his "beat LA"
chant, occasionally joking that the opposing team only has to take the
field and the Dodgers will beat themselves.

-- Chris

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nolan's Back!

After a long silence, li'l Nolan has decided to re-appear to the blogging world! He apologizes for this time of wonder, stating his poor sleep habits and high demands placed on his parents haven't allowed for them to post any news.

Here are the recent details of Nolan's life. Rob and Jeff were able to come up last week and give Christine some lift as I was on campus for the start of another school year. It was great having them around and Nolan has now met all of his immediate-ish family! Through Christine, Nolan was able to eat some great SF food, thanks to Rob's generous take-out service. :)

As well, Nolan had his 1-month check up yesterday and he's officially fat: 11 pounds, 6 ounces, up over 2 pounds from 2 weeks ago! Unfortunately the doctor said he's very gassy and made have some food allergies we need to look into. Apparently babies can be sensitive to a mother's lactose intake, so Christine's going to restrict her diet for a week and see if Nolan's less cranky and distended.

As well, we've watched the "Happiest Baby on the Block" video, and expecting a miracle, we naively attempted Nolan's first bottle feeding AND Happiest Baby techniques before bedtime, resulting in a very long, tiring 'sleep cycle' for me! We'll keep trying and keep updating our experience.

The two pics are from Red's Java House (an old diner on the Bay, with Rob and Jeff) and Nolan's first trip to the office today, plopped on the couch w/ Leo (I didn't get much work done).

-chris, from the road