Monday, October 31, 2011

Future architect

sometimes he just blows me away ;)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

little punkin head

The fam took a day trip with some friends up to San Rafael and discovered an amazing little pumpkin patch, complete with live bluegrass music, an assortment of exciting & adorable animals, hay bale maze, amazing ice cream, and (of course) tons & tons of pumpkins. It was a much-needed break from city life-- super relaxing, beautiful, and Nolan had a blast!
Here are a few pictures-- more to come soon.

p.s. When visiting a pumpkin patch with friends, it helps to make sure that one of those friends is a professional photographer. Here's her website

Saturday, October 22, 2011

family trip to wine country

We got to spend the weekend with my step sister & her husband in their beautiful home up in wine country (Napa Valley/Hidden Valley Lake). Here are some great shots from wine tasting & their fantastic garden (check out the pumpkins in the background-- they weigh about 100lbs each!)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Beware of Silence

You turn your back for ooooone minute ;)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Morning at the Beach

We spent a warm Indian Summer morning at the beach last week. Nolan loved throwing the sand & wandering around, chasing the birds. I might have let him get a little far from me & watched him get pummeled by a [very small] wave. We were cleaning sand out of his ears for days ;) Luckily, he seemed just fine.

(walking a little more gingerly "after" ;)

Our New Playground

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Nolan's Climbing Phase Begins

-from my phone, please excuse the typos

Monday, August 29, 2011

Imitation: the sincerest form of flattery

Nolan is in a big imitation phase: trying to do everything we do. His latest is talking on the cell phone. Makes me wonder if this is what I sound like ;)

First Boat Ride

We went to an incredible cabin on Lake Tahoe last weekend, and got to take a ski boat across the lake to lunch. Beautiful!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Nolan. An Update

Well, a lot's happened recently in the life of Nolan!  Cruising, talking on the cell phone, in a boat, on a train, riding a bike.  You name it, he's done it.  Here's the proof.

Nolan at Tahoe with Matthew

Nolan's first bike ride, to the beach!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Nolan Cuttin' Loose on a Friday Night

Nolan's First Lemon Wedge

Believe it or not, he kept going back for more all dinner!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fat Tuesday

These pictures are a little past-due, but here are some shots of the fam at a Mardi Gras party. Nolan was Fat Tuesday, incarnate. :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

One Step Closer to Crawling

We usually have to pad the area around Nolan so he doesn't tip over & hit his head while sitting up... but it seems like he's starting to figure out how to go from sitting to laying. He's not quite crawling yet, but he can scoot around in circles & scootch backwards. He's also started sloooooowly taking one step in front of the other while we hold his hands.
Look out, world!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Darth Vader Defies Gravity

Okay, so I can't figure out how to flip this video right side up, but let's just pretend for a moment that Nolan can not only stand while holding the table, but also defy gravity. He also sounds a little like Darth Vader with his cold ;)

Guess How Much I Miss You??

Nolan "reading" the book that Meemaw & Beepaw sent, along with his cousins Logan & Maddy. Sadly, he discovered the "Record" button & recorded over the awesome narration!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Nolan Sits Up

Nolan Rolls Over!

It took the bate of an 'electric' guitar toy, but he's gotten completely around twice in a row!